Monday, November 16, 2015

By The Cricket Pitch

By The Cricket Pitch (Triptych), each panel 46" by 36", oil on canvas, 2015
Here's the result of the third assignment about the idea of place. Place as a space that you can move through, hence the simultaneous view points and perspectives.
I was interested to hear some of the interpretations of aerial maps/views where my intention was to show looking up from the ground. Not sure I conveyed the idea of a space you enter and move around successfully, but the act of painting kind of took over so the space came right up to the surface. One comment was that the colours seem synthetic, but I disagree. There's some raw yellows and blues, but I responded naturally to the green values . . . maybe i needed to exaggerate even more?
Anyways, a good experience to work on a piece that is the largest one to date for me.

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